white fabric bell tent with mountains in background.
basket of calendula flowers
Cob chicken coop
from behind, three kids and three dogs walking on dirt road.
peach jam and peaches on wood chair.
milpa (corn field) with sunset and mountains behind.
clothes hanging to dry with mountains in background.

The words off grid and homestead are super buzzworthy these days. Just take a gander at social media and television [....]

The off-grid homesteading movement certainly is becoming popular again! As reported by offgridharmony.com, “According to a report by the US [....]

Whether you’re a Type A or a Free Spirit type of Person, you will need to be prepared if you’re [....]

You’ve decided you are ready to leave the hectic city life behind in exchange for life in the countryside on [....]

So, you’ve officially drank the off-grid Kool-Aid and have decided to purchase/lease a plot of land to start a homestead. [....]

By now most of us have seen those beautiful instagram or pinterest pages that feature perfect homesteads. You know, the [....]