white fabric bell tent with mountains in background.
basket of calendula flowers
Cob chicken coop
from behind, three kids and three dogs walking on dirt road.
peach jam and peaches on wood chair.
milpa (corn field) with sunset and mountains behind.
clothes hanging to dry with mountains in background.

Top 10 Off-Grid Essentials

our baja homestead milpa corn field with road and mountain in background

Whether you’re a Type A or a Free Spirit type of Person, you will need to be prepared if you’re living off of the grid. When I say off-grid, I’m talking no connection to city infrastructure such as water, sewer, and electricity (to name a few)! As I mentioned in my blog post How To Start An Off-Grid Homestead, being unprepared for the possible challenges of homesteading can lead to dire consequences.

Take it from me (a 2nd year homesteader who has made 11,376 mistakes so far in our off-grid journey) – you will want to be over-prepared when embarking on your homestead journey! While our family upcycles and repurposes many of our structures here on the homestead, there are certain products you will want to purchase new and from a trusted source. Many of the products listed are tried-and-true favorite products here on our homestead, Finca Tierra Libre. Let’s get shopping, homesteaders!

  1. Solar Panel Set-Up
    A solar panel set up for your off-grid electricity will be one of the most important purchases you will invest in for your off-grid homestead. I recommend using solar over other off-grid electricity options because it’s the most common method, and very convenient for those living in moderate, sunny climates.

    This purchase is essential for charging electronics, tools and devices, ensuring lights for your homestead, and for powering your Wi-Fi. We were generously gifted an Off-Grid Solar Panel Kit from Eco-Worthy about two years ago, and it has held up exceptionally well.

    We have the Kit for RV living, but I would suggest getting a larger kit like the 4800W 48V Complete MPPT Off-Grid Solar Kit if you intend to use it for your off-grid house. According to Eco-Worthy, “The ideal size for a 3 person’s home is around 168-195 square meters. In that size of house, the average electricity needed is around 20-30kwh per day.”

    NOTE: Make sure your solar panel set up includes a solar energy storage battery. You will most likely need access to your Wi-Fi on cloudy days and at night. Having this battery helps you go on-line even when it’s not sunny outside.

  2. Generator
    A homestead without a generator is like a fish out of water! You will definitely need a generator on your off-grid homestead. From charging electronics and tools, to using your washing machine, a generator is a life saver for homesteaders!

    Note: Many people use generators to complement their solar panel set ups. Generators are also useful as a portable way to generate electricity – if it’s light enough you can bring your generator to the place on your homestead you are working on.

    I would recommend the PREDATORย 5000 Watt Dual-Fuel SUPER QUIET Inverter Generator, it runs on gasoline OR propane, is super quiet, and is portable.

  3. Water Tanks and Catchment System
    Purchasing a water tank and catchment system is essential for homesteaders who do not own or have access to a well. Collecting rainwater is a wonderful way to ensure that there is enough water on your homestead for everyday chores. Even if you have a well on your property, owning water tanks comes in handy for collecting rainwater for your garden. The tanks also are helpful for transferring water from one part of your ranch to another.

    We use the 275 gal. Intermediate Bulk Container IBC Tank on our ranch. We love it because it’s got a great price point and it fits well in our small Ford Ranger truck.

    water filled water tank in back of red truck

  4. Water Pump
    Water pumps are an essential item for retrieving water from a well or a river. Donโ€™t be like Jack and Jill, yโ€™all.

    Itโ€™s 2024, letโ€™s ditch the buckets and use this amazing 2-Inch Semi-Trash Water Pump with Hose Kit.

  5. First Aid Kit
    There are lots of hazardous circumstances on a homestead at any given time. Between natural disasters, power tool accidents, and encounters with dangerous animals, you want to make sure you have a first aid kit on your off-gid homestead. You can make your own remedies if you work with herbs, or you can purchase a Pre-made First Aid Kit.

  6. Tools and Toolshed
    Having a solid set up of tools and a toolshed to put them in is very essential for life on your off-grid homestead! Even if you plan to hire workers for specialty projects there will still be many little projects you need to do by hand that require special tools.

    Some of our most used tools include: a weedwhacker, hammer, hoe, rake, axe, pickaxe, shovel, hole digger, and a pitchfork. Don’t underestimate the use of goats as tools for clearing large landscapes! We cleared our little half acre lot by hand with pickaxes, and by the end we wished we had used the neighbor’s goats to clear the land.

    A shed is essential for storing tools, because you do not want to your tools getting stolen or damaged! Harbor Freight has this excellent COVERPROย 10 ft. x 10 ft. Portable Shed if you are not ready to invest in a permanent shed.

  7. A Truck and Trailer
    This may seem like a silly essential item, but having a truck on an off-grid homestead is SO useful! From dump runs to hauling your water tanks, owning a truck is definitely essential. We have a small Ford Ranger, which is awesome for navigating narrow, off-grid roads here in Baja California.

    If you are inclined to buy a big truck, make sure your off-grid homestead does not have a narrow road. You’ve got to make sure you can get to your homestead!

  8. Solar Powered Lights
    Solar Powered Lights are essential to get around your homestead at night. No one likes looking for the outhouse at night and bumping into rocks and brush on your way! Nowadays there are all sorts of decorative lights that you can buy for your homestead, but our family tends to stick to the classic, simple outdoor lights.

  9. Heating and/or Cooling Systems
    Being too hot or too cold can be extremely detrimental to your off-grid living experience. Many off-gridders opt for heating their homes/RV’s/tents with firewood. If you purchase a cozy firewood stove, make sure you hire someone who is knowledgeable about installing firewood stoves to be as safe as possible!

    For off-grid cooling systems, many off-gridders opt for “swamp coolers” instead of air conditioning units, because they are more compact and use less energy. You can plug these bad boys into your generator or solar panel set up.

    Here’s a List of the 10 Best Swamp Coolers.

  10. Buckets and Lots of ‘Em!
    Buckets are the MVP of our off-grid homestead! We use them to transport water for washing dishes and washing laundry. We use them for watering the garden, and for collecting greywater from the washing machine. Heck, we even use them for collecting the abundant supply of tomatoes from our summer garden. Do yourself a favor and buy 10 buckets for your homestead before you move there. Trust me – you will use all 10 of them!

That’s a wrap on the Top 10 Off-Grid Essentials for Homesteading. Although much of off-grid life consists of living off of what nature provides, it’s important to invest in products that make off-grid life possible. Remember to prepare as much as possible for the big move so that you can be as content and comfortable as possible!

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